Death by Darjeeling


Death by Darjeeling (A Tea Shop Mystery #1) by Laura Childs

Thoughts Before Reading:

I came upon the book Steeped in Evil at the library and decided to check it out. After I had started it, I realized it was part of a series and of course you know what that means. We have to go back and start this mystery series from the beginning.


Former advertising executive, now owner of a tea shop, Theodosia “Theo” Brown is busy with preparations for the Lamplighter Tour, a walking tour into the best homes and gardens of Charleston.

Theo has two shop employees Drayton Conneley, tea expert, perfect blenderer, and her right hand man; along with Haley, perennial college student, baker, and waitress; and Earl Gray, rescued mutt.

A wrench is thrown in the works when businessman Hughes Barron who is attempting to buy out historical homes and raze them for other means is murdered during the tour.

And not just murdered, poisoned! And Theo’s newly blended lamplighter mix is the vehicle the murderer choose.

Theo finds the investigation honing in on her, only to switch to Haley’s best friend Bethany as she was seen in a heated argument with the deceased, and was the one to serve him tea. Theo sets out to clear Bethany’s name and her tea; finding out that Barron is rife with enemies; from environmentalists to spurned ladies, to crooked business partners, it seems like everyone had a reason to kill him.

And Theo must watch out, she’s just been warned by the killer, back off or else she’s next.


Thoughts After Reading:

It wasn’t very good.

I hate it

It spent a lot of time developing the characters and their many backstories, but very little time on the actual mystery. And the ending reveal was abominable.

For more mysteries featuring poison, go to The Sign of the Four

For more on tea, go to Aunt Neal’s Old-Fashioned Tea Cakes

For more Southern mysteries, go to Crazy, VA

For more mystery reviews, go to A Case of Identity