China Rich Girlfriend

China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians #2) by Kevin Kwan

So this book isn’t technically a mystery, but it does have a mystery so I am counting it. The first book doesn’t hav a mystery so we will do a quick reviw. History professor Dr. Nicholas Young and ecomonics Professor Dr. Rachel Chu have been dating for five years and he invites her to travel with him to Singapore for his best friend’s wedding and to spend he summer whre he grew up. She agrees to come, but when she gets there finds herself blindsided that the fact that Nicolas is not  just rich, but crazy ruch.

She finds hersekf out of sorts as she is in a whole ‘nother world, has to combat women after him, his mother who does not want her in her son;s life and other complexities.

So at the end of the first book, rache discovers that her father did not die when she was a baby before her mother immigrated with them to China, but that hr mother was mrrued to an abuse man and began a relationship with her neighbor ad friend.

She never saw him again and the letter she write was never replied to.

At the beginning of this book, Eleanor Younge, Nicholas’ mother, is trying to mend fences, but her son has refused to talk to her. It has been te years ans she is at the end of her rope when she crosses path with Bao Shaoyen and her son Carlton-who looks xeactly like Rachel.

She gets her private detectives to do some digging and fids Rachek’s father (who had changed his name)- Bao Gaoliang, a top politician and a pharmaceutical magnate in China.

Eleanor brings them together as she knows this will cause Rachel and Nicholas to forgive her and the money Bao Gaoliang will possibly leaveRachel will make u for what his grabdmother will not.

But not all are happy at this reunion.

Near the end of the book, Rachel is poisoned-deadly poison and if they dob’t figure out what it is soon she wull be dead. Who could be trying to kill er and wgt?

Bao Shaoyen is FURIOUS at this, the possiblity of scandel and becimes infuriated with her husban. She refuses to see or meet her, have Rachl in er hoime, and when Bao Gaoliang invites rachek to stay with them, Bao Shaoyen takes off.

She fights with Bao Gaoliang and tells him that he will need to choose between her and Rachel and when Gaoliang threatens to cut Carlton off for gis reckless behavior-Shaoyen warns im that if he does anything to hurt her son or ruin him she will make him pay.

At first Carlton seems thrilled to have Rachek and Nicholas-visiting with then, partying with thm, and taking them all over Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong with him and his jetsetting girlfrid Colette Bing.

He and Rachekl get in a fight and he reveals that he was n;t reallyy happy at first but grew to like her. But is he lying again? Has he been plotting against hr?

Meanwhile Colette ovehears the Bao’s ad Gaoliang threatning to cut Carlton off ad leave him with nothing. Could she be rsposible.

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